Second Miscarriage

I guess it started on the day I was supposed to start my period - April 24th. I fully expected my monthly. I just didn't feel pregnant AT ALL. I had no symptoms or anything to lead me to believe I was other than the missed period. However, when I tested that day, it was negative. Hmm, I thought to myself. The next day was negative as well. When I finally got a positive test, it was SUPER faint:
Test picture

And the next day was faint as well:

Test picture 

And the next:
Test picture 

I was pretty bummed at this point. I still wasn't even entirely convinced I was pregnant. We went to my aunt's house and I told her of my faintly positive woes and she offered me an Answer brand test (she had just found out she was pregnant as well!). I took that test...

Test picture was faintly positive as well! 

At this point I just *knew* I was going to miscarry - woman's intuition I guess. 

The day after I took this test I was at my mom's house when I started lightly bleeding. I had her watch Sahara and Sergio took me to the ER. They gave me an ultrasound which showed nothing (of course) and my hCG levels came back at 11. The doctor said it could go either way but I think we both knew. He told me to come back it 2 days for a re-check to see if my numbers were rising or falling.
The next morning, I started bleeding. Heavily. I had very little cramps, surprisingly (much unlike my other M/C). The heavy bleeding lasted for about 2 days before it tapered off. I stopped bleeding altogether on May 06, so the miscarriage took about 6 days to complete. 
(I did go back to the ER 2 days later as instructed and my hCG had fallen to 3) 
On to May, I guess.

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